Find Meetings in BC

Posted by on Jan 23, 2015 in Alcohol Treatment, cocaine addiction | 0 comments

One of our top types of calls in people looking for meetings. It appears that online searches for peer support groups is challenging for many of those in need, especially in BC. We hope to help ease future searches for meetings and peer support with this blog.

Here is a link to all peer support groups in BC:

There are a variety of different peer support groups on the webpage such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, secular support groups such as LifeRing and Smart Recovery, and family support groups like Al-Anon and Co-Dependents Anonymous.

This is the contact information for AA meetings in all of BC:

Alcoholics Anonymous (BC Yukon Area 79)
PO Box 42114 Vancouver, BC V5S 4R5
Phone: (604) 435-2181
E-mail: Website:

On the BC Yukon area 79 website, you can search for meetings nearby or all over BC, by clicking on different areas of the map.

If you need assistance finding other recovery resources, contact us by emailor phone.

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